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For this project I wanted to explore natural environments in a fantasy setting. The idea behind the world of the project began when I designed four elemental orbs. This then inspired me to design environments around these elemental orbs. The themes that I settled on were Ice, Forest, Lava, and Thunder. Working on this project has allowed me to explore a variety of environments and settings and keeping a loose feeling to the images painting technique as I wanted a concept/ sketch feeling to the shapes I was painting.

The first step when creating these images was creating a greyscale value sketch on procreate on the iPad. The sketch would be flat silhouettes with different shades for each element to ensure that the base values for each element of the piece was tonally correct.

The next step was to export the file as a psd and start to create a more defined sketch using a black pencil brush. This allowed me to easily paint and edit the different planes of each object. Then I proceeded to create a colour scheme with the flat greyscale image.

When beginning to paint I had reference images opened in a different screen so that I could look at textures and lighting for photos that were like the one I was creating. Then I painted in the light and textures and that was the process for each piece of the project.

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